Pep Talk

One week has past in our Pre-MBA and there are already some who have tapped out and decided to defer and there are some contemplating to follow suit. I can't emphasize how rigorous and and comprehensive the Financial Accounting phase of the pre-MBA program has been. While I've read about how accounting in AIM is like a boot camp, nothing could have prepared me for this.

That's why Prof. Lim, along with several MBA seniors, gave a pep talk on how we shouldn't feel discouraged and gave us a chance to express our frustrations and fears regarding our performance in the Pre-MBA. The common theme was that a majority of the incoming First Years feel intimidated with the pace and frustrated with not catching up (especially with almost all of us have little accounting knowledge and experience).

Prof. Lim tried his best to allay our fears by recounting how he felt the same way 20 years ago when he took his MBA. The seniors chimed in and shared their individual experiences, like people having absolute zero finance knowledge and still managing to pull through. We for our part, shared how some students really spoil the class by bringing up topics that are too advanced, thus confusing everyone. This posturing by some students is really a bummer. But I felt the testimonials and stories helped as the group was in high spirits after the discussion.

I also felt the Filipino MBAer's bonded better after that. As I get to know and remember the names and faces of the members of the class, I feel we will grow tighter as a unit-- to be honest, I felt that we collectively were still feeling awkward and settling with everybody else. It's good that humor and the occasional nod on the hallway is becoming more common among us.

My take on this situation is that it's really too early to throw in the towel. yes, financial accounting is an integral part of the program, but it is not the whole program. I am not pretending to be an expert when it comes to financial accounting, and I don't intend to. I'll do my best to learn and get stellar grades, but it will not be the end of me if I don't become a financial guru. I believe there will be a subject I'll be spectacular at and I'm pretty optimistic I, along with my classmates, will be just fine.


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