Financial Management and Quantitative Analysis Exams

It's Friday and I'm thankful for two things: We do not have a Written Analysis of Cases (WAC) today and the schedule for next week is very light.

But between last Monday and today, our class had three exams: two for Financial Management (FM) and one for Quantitative Analysis (QA).

We had the FM pair last Tuesday and thanks to Prof. Larry Tan, as I write this post, I already know my exam scores. The exams had 20 points each and the passing grade was 12 for each exam. I got 13 and 10 on the first and second exams respectively so I'm still in the red, so to speak.

What did I learn from the FM quizzes? I'm able to appreciate the financial ratios more and evaluating the financial position of companies/organizations in a systematic way. However, for the following topic, financial forecasting, I'm still a bit iffy (thus the exam scores).

For the QA quiz, I found it disappointing because you spent a great deal of your time creating charts, rather than doing the analysis and computations. Had we were allowed to use our laptops for the quiz, the QA exam would have been great.

Exams have been a weekly staple staple four our MBA class, but I'm really just glad this week is ending on a more manageable note.


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