AIM for the Win! Part 2

The AIM sports teams have made strides for this year's campaign for the Inter-MBA Friendship Games. After languishing at the cellar of the standings last year, the AIM badminton, basketball and volleyball teams are all playing for 2nd runner-up (after sports powerhouses Ateneo Graduate School of Business and De La Salle Professional Schools).

The teams' performance in the tournament may be considered a quantum leap, considering the school's small population and little awareness and support from the school community. I would imagine the teams doing better if people took the time to cheer on the players for moral support. I'm sure athletes out there know how a rabid crowd can boost a team's morale and uplift the individual athlete. Think Olympics, or think World Cup.

In any case, it's good the sports teams have fared very well so far. I hope this could be a good jumping point for the next Inter-MBA campaign. :)


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