Five Tips for Your Action Consultancy Project

The Cohort 3 folks are going to have their Action Consultancy (AC) breaks soon and they're going into it in a totally different situation. The current class of MBA students have the option to take the AC and enroll two extra electives, and will be eligible to be their final requirement, in lieu of the classic Management Research Report (MRR). (If you recall, our class had to take both the ACC and the MRR together)

So, the AC now becomes a very important stage in the MBA's at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM). If people used to look at it as the precursor to the more difficult, yet rewarding MRR, the AC should be viewed with more importance (most MBA students I know look to take the AC option for their final requirement).

As someone who's done the AC, here's five tips I'd like to offer the current (and perhaps future) cohorts regarding the AC projects:

  1. Specialize. AC projects by nature are "deepening" in nature, that is, if you're targeting a financial career after your MBA, try to align your project in finance.
  2. Get a good experience. You can place your AC in your resume, so try to get a good working experience in your project. Can you imagine placing a weak description in your AC item?
  3. Make friends. The AC break is your time away from AIM, and a very good opportunity to expand your network. I still keep in touch with the friends I made in my AC last year. :P
  4. Be positive. If you don't get your "dream AC project," don't fret. Adjust your plans and move one. Disappointment is commonplace in real life, so there's no point in crying over spilled milk.
  5. Impress. Don't take your AIM pedigree for granted-- show your proponents what you've got! No matter how big the organization is, people appreciate great output and will be more willing spread the word on your performance. Of course, a reputation as a lazy bum can also spread around.
I hope these tips can help. For the other AIM alumni, what tips can you share?


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