On Work Experience

During AIM Previews (sort of like an open-house events to prospective AIM Students), one of the most common questions is "Do I really need two years worth of work experience?"

The answer there is a resounding "Yes!" Experience is worth a LOT here at the Asian Institute of Management. This may be attributed to the Case Method the institute uses as its teaching methodology. In the case method, in my opinion, insights are very important and case discussions are enriched by the student's own insights learned from work.

Apart from putting one's self in the shoes of the protagonists in the case, the student can compare and contrast his/her experiences. This will lead to either acceptance of the point being brought about the case or a criticism of that point based on one's experience. This really makes the whole learning experience a rich one. (Well, maybe except in Financial Management, if you ask me :P)

This also applies outside of the classroom, particularly at work-- you'd never get promoted if you did not have the necessary experience. Experience more or less becomes a certain "validator" on both situations.

So, my advice to those thinking of going straight to the MBA after graduation, get the necessary successes and scars at work first. It will make the whole MBA worth experiencing. :P


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