My First WIMST MBA Class

Last Saturday, I had my first two sessions in the Winning Internet Marketing Strategies & Tactics elective for the MBA students.(Last term, I handled several sessions on the Online Marketing elective).

To be honest, it felt kinda weird since most everybody in class are my friends, but I think I was professional about it. The discussion was about building relationships with your visitors/customers/users online and it was a lively discussion because it had the right elements: marketing, business, and sex. (Yes, sex :P)

Here are things I realized during that half-day session:

  • Apart from the hair, I see some similarities between my class discussion style with Prof. Tommy Lopez'.
  • Amazingly, it's easy to remember who gives good class participation and those who don't, and those who don't speak. :P
  • More on CP, I got the practicality of Prof. Gallegos & Bolante's CP-recording methods. 
  • There are 60 people in class and it occured to me that I've only interacted with a little more than half of the people there prior to the class.
  • During my MBA days, I used to go out of the room numerous times during class for a variety of reasons (restroom break, coffee, naps, etc.). When I saw people leaving the room, it was a bit distracting. No wonder I got mediocre grades-- my profs probably got miffed with my constant exits. :P
  • "Tough love" is best for the class. :D
Next week, we'll be having another session. I hope the discussion will be as lively. :)


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