When Life Gives You Lemons
People say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." But what if that person is a manager?
- Marketing Manager - "When life gives you lemons, get the juice, color it blue, and call it 'shlemonade' because the 18-30 year old demographic likes the 'sh' sound and all things blue."
- Operations Manager - "When life gives you lemons, outsource the peeling to Brazil, the juice extraction to India, and the manufacturing to China. That will give you 100% Lemonade."
- Sales Manager - "When life gives you lemons, screw the juice. I've got a new batch of lemons to sell."
- IT Manager - "When life gives you lemons, I'll place it near a Windows Vista machine. When the computer crashes, the user will smash the lemons in frustration. And then you have juice."
- HR Manager - "When life gives you lemons, I'll recruit an eager MBA grad who's willing to work for half the normal salary add 'Juice Extraction' in his job description."
- Finance Manager - "When life gives you lemons, I'll show the lemons the financial books. That alone will make the lemons bleed their juice."