"There is no rest for the wicked," some one once said. Well, I'm not wicked, but there seems to be no rest for me. (More on this a bit later.) This post marks the start of The AIM Blogger, a blog I started to chronicle my journey towards my MBA at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), one of Asia's top business schools, if not one of the world's. Classes start this August 5, 2007 for the 16-month intensive MBA course and since that date is a few weeks away, I figured to cover some of the preliminary stuff I went through in getting admitted to AIM and the Pre-MBA course I'll be taking. Now on to the "no rest" bit: The MBA degree program I shall be pursuing is not my first post-graduate program. I just finished my MS Information Management degree at the IT Cluster of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business (one of AIM's rival business schools in the Philippines). It has been over a week since my harrowing thesis defense and here I am, preparing...